WEST meetings are open to the public, and participation is encouraged.  So come when you can, as often as you can, and bring a friend!

WEST planning meetings at BTF Solar Showroom

 Tuesdays, June 22nd, July 20th (changed to July 27th), Aug. 24th at 7pm.

Bring your own chair

486 B Century Lane
(behind front office building)
Contact Richard Orawiec for further information at btfsolar.com

Agenda for the WEST meeting:

1) Michigan Public Service Commission report regarding the Holland Board of Public Works
permit request from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment.  
2) Request for Proposals from the Sustainability Committee regarding a community energy plan for Holland.
3) Ken Freestone:  Progress report on energy plan input from community leaders.
4) Steve Remilard: Hope co-sponsored speaker series
5) Assess need for a Communications Director
6) Report on GLOW Council meeting by attending members

The Speakers Series presented by WEST on the 2nd Tuesday of the month will be suspended over the summer in order to spend time on these important issues:

Holland's Energy Plan-  The Sustainability Committee is meeting on Monday the 17th, and will be drafting a Citywide Energy Plan.  The full presentation for how to approach a plan is here: Drafting a City Energy Plan 

Read the Energy News Alert from Sara and Don.

The Importance of Networking-  Sharing information using the internet is important to the viability and growth of any organization.  Learn how to identify and use the tools at your finger tips to interact with other members.  No need to wait for a physical meeting!

Planning for the year ahead-  It's time to take a look at how we are using our resouces, and introduce new ideas for what we want to do next.